How to clear YouTube history
How to delete your YouTube search History | TEACH ME Sep 26, 2014 How to Recover Deleted YouTube Videos In Under 1 Minute (2020) If you didn’t find the YouTube video you delete with the above method, please try one of the below methods. Find and Recover the titles of your deleted YouTube videos. To recover deleted YouTube videos you need to get the title and URL of the video first and there is a site that does just these things for you: 1.
How to Delete a YouTube Account: 15 Steps (with Pictures)
History - YouTube Watch history isn't viewable when signed out. Learn more. Language: English Location: United States Restricted Mode: Off History Help
How To Delete YouTube Watch History & Search History
Select Search History in the menu; You will see all your recent and historical searches from the beginning of times. You can select to show or hide your recent searches by moving the option to on or off. Delete. You can Delete all by clicking in Clear All option (see image below). If you don't see this option then try the next option. Oct 20, 2012 · My YouTube history Is deleting by itself it never did that before and it just started happening two days ago any suggestions? Earlier this week, we showed you how to delete your Google Web History in order to prevent Google from combining your Web History data with the data it has about you on its other products to The following steps will delete your viewing and search history on YouTube. If you have multiple YouTube accounts, you will have to complete these steps for each account. 1. Log in to your Google account. 2. Go to 3. Click on your icon. 4. Click “Video Manager” 5. Click “History” 6. Click “Clear all viewing There are two ways of getting to your comment history. The most straightforward is to simply enter into your browser’s Nov 25, 2011 · Visit the YouTube viewing history page. Actually, you need to visit the page twice if you watch videos when you are logged in and logged out. You can delete individual videos by selecting them first and clicking the remove button afterwards, or all videos with a click on the clear all viewing history button.